About me

About me

Photographs are dreams, states of emotions and deep inner impressions for me. A dream-world created by them showed itself to me at adulthood’s door during an especial journey when I first had the chance to immortalize my experiences with a slr (single-lens-reflex) camera. For a long time only my eyes and heart directed me, I caught the kind moments and took photos about enchanting places without any consciousness. Digital photography stepped into my life in 2007 and brought study and technical knowledge acquirement with itself, in the course of which this dream-world burst a wide spectrum to me. I felt I was just looking, but since then I can see. However, conscious contemplation and visual manner require everlasting improvement to which I’m paying my respect with great pleasure all my life.

In 2013 The International Federation of Photographic Art awarded me with AFIAP photographic artist diploma as recognition for my artistic qualities and productions of my photo-work those have been acknowledged through participations in different international salons.

Photographer, AFIAP photographic artist distinction


